We encountered three instances where both knees were swollen due to liver inflammation. The swelling subsided two days after undergoing our liver detox therapy. In another case, both knees were swollen due to bladder incontinence.
In Osteopathy, the knee is considered a paradoxical joint. It is the largest and most complex synovial joint in the body, balancing the conflicting needs of stability and mobility.
Tendonitis and bursitis often occur together around the pes anserine bursa. The lumbar and sacral plexus can innervate the pes anserinus. Pain can also be referred to this area from organs such as the kidneys, intestines, and urogenital organs.
Knee sprains typically involve the medial meniscus. The ligament crosses to the semimembranosus tendon and affects the medial collateral ligament. The aim of osteopathic treatment is to restore and establish the proprioception loop to every soft tissue component.
The menisci of the knee are layers composed of collagen-rich connective tissue embedded in cartilaginous cells. They are not cartilage. A meniscal tear can occur at any age. Meniscal injuries are caused by twisting or turning quickly with the foot planted and flexed to about 20 degrees. This type of accident is common among young football players. Meniscal lesions frequently occur with joint swelling and blockage.
Pure Wellness
Calgary, Canada