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Osteopathic talk- Shoulder Pain

Here is our experience as an Osteo are the Principal causes of shoulder pathologist.

  1. Traumatic falls:

  • Fall can restrict shoulder free movement and cause shoulder instability.

  • Repeated falls on the shoulder cause microscapulomusculoligamentous ruptures.

  • Injuries from overstretching

  • Aging over 50, stabilizing tendons and muscles become fragile

2: Capsuloligamentomuscular fibrosis with joint dislocation or fractures.

3: Subluxations: Over night , the patient had sudden onset of pain and unable to move the shoulder at all. The shoulder was not dislocated but functional impairment.

4: Osteomalacia: Pancreatic or hepatic disease can cause  bone mineralization deficiency that can get crack in bones.

5: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome can set in after shoulder trauma (sprain, dislocation, fractures); shoulder , breast, lung or heart surgery; neurological disorders (cerebral vascular accident, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis);

6: Cardiopathology, respiratory problems and long term use of medications ( anti-pressants, for example)

7: Frozen shoulder, the adhesive capsulitis

8: Osteoarthritis irritate the capsule and synovial membrane and affect negative pressure inside the joint.

9: Age with osteoporosis

10: Many cases of scapulohumeral periarthritis is related to biliary dysfunction. Metabolic problems can affect the shoulder joint.

11: An irritation at anterior cervical plexus located at C4,5 can radiate to the posterior cervical plexus and cause shoulder pain.

12: Menopause can cause hormonal imbalance that can affect Myofascial elasticity loss.

Very often with Chronic joint pain, the labrum and cartilage lose their mechanical properties. They can develop roughness grooves and irregularities to cause capsular synovial inflammation. Our Osteopath techniques can improve synovial production and reduce the bursae irritation and pain effectively as we remove these micro-calcifications and significant effect on negative intra-articular pressure.

Pure Wellness

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