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Osteopathy talk-stomach hiatal hernia


Do you know that we have a region that is very delicate, and it needs the good mechanical balance on the pressure system. It is known as gastroesophageal area. In the body, the thorax has negative pressure system, and the abdomen has a positive pressure system. Therefore, the body can be interrupted the balance of the delicate interchanges of the pressure balance to create a hiatal hernia.

There are two types of hiatal hernia: sliding and paraoesophageal. Sliding hernia happens when the mucosa of the stomach slides superiorly into the esophageal. 50% of cases can contributes to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Luckily It is much less dangerous condition than the paraoesophageal hernia and 85% of hernias is sliding condition. The clients who have paraoesophageal hernia can be very ill with vomiting and inability to eat and they often end up in the emergency room because the mucosa of the stomach sliding up next to the esophagus occurs strangulation and gangrene. Paraoesophageal hiatal hernia is more common in women. (oh, no.. Women again)

Hiatal hernia is the most common dysfunction of the digestive system. It is due to a weakening of the diaphragm muscle, especially at the right crus. Typical symptoms include bloating, belching, and gas or deep pain at the level of T 11 that increases with breathing, an increase of air in the stomach, heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, left-sided chest pain and stomachache. Because the thoracic esophagus contacts the trachea, left bronchus, pleura, and pericardium, when there are mechanical problems affecting the esophagus (e.g., reflux or hiatus hernia), there is often pain in the cardiac area induced by abnormal tension of the tissues connecting the esophagus and pericardium. Reflux can have many effects on children, most particularly asthma (late at night or very early in the morning) and tonsillitis.

The principal causes of hiatus hernias are mechanical, e.g., kyphosis, hypotonia, gastric ptosis and Obesity. Contributing factors include general debility and aging, which weaken the tissues and decrease tone. All pleural problems can lead to problems of the hiatal area. Because an excess of estrogen or decrease in progesterone can loosen up the hiatus, these problems are common during pregnancy and at menopause.

Hiatus hernia is quite common; it occurs in over 60% of people over 60 years old. Our methods of manipulation that certified by Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic therapist Association are very effective in these cases. Visceral Manipulation along with sphincter work, dietary considerations and creating changes in stress levels can all have a positive effect in this hiatal area. Please check with your local Visceral Manipulation therapist on the mobility and motility of your stomach issue.

Reference books

Advanced Visceral Manipulation: Neuroendocrine Approach to the abdomen

by Jean-Pierre Barral

Physiological and clinical applications of Visceral Manipulation by Ron Mariotti, ND, BI-D

Visceral Manipulation in Osteopathy by Eric U. Hebgen


Pure Wellness in Calgary 2024

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